Round Table

«Prospects for the Development of Joint Scientific Research»

On 27 April 2024, a round table on «Prospects for the Development of Joint Scientific Research» was held. Scientists from DKU, Yessenov University, KINI, KMG Engineering, Hof University, Technical University Hamburg took part in the round table. The round table discussed key aspects of co-operation between DKU and Yessenov University in the scientific field. The participants exchanged views and experiences, discussed potential research areas and developed strategies for joint projects. As a result of roundtable discussions, it was decided to submit joint scientific and technical assignments (STA) on programme-targeted financing of budget programme administrators for 2025-2027 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the priority «Energy, Advanced Materials and Transport» and specialised programme area «Hydrogen Energy and Technologies» and «Green Technologies».

The «AKTANT» Project

The participants of the Aktant consortium are Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD), Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW Hamburg), Yessenov University (YU), Deutsch Kasachische Universität (DKU). The project is coordinated by TUB and DKU. The consortium is funded by DAAD. The realization of the consortium's tasks, which include training of highly qualified personnel and research, is carried out at KINI. Main modules at the 1st stage (2024-2028): KINI office in Aktau, Master's programmes, PhD programme, summer and winter schools, joint research projects.

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